- U.S. News: NOAA Releases Whale-Locating App for iPhone & iPad: According to Reuters reporter Ros Krasny,... http://t.co/52dtLQTJ#iPhone
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- Blog: ツンデレの次はヤンデレ?iPhone無料アプリ『ヤンデレカレシ』の表現力 ...: ヤンデレ、という言葉を耳にしたことはあるでしょうか?ヤンでいる(病んでいる)+デレる(惚れている)を意味する言葉... http://t.co/ARVgS7VP#iPhone
- U.S. News: PercyFX app: Add your own messages into movie clips [video]: The app, which launched a BlackB... http://t.co/XHhyaX5D#iPhone
- Today's Digest iPhone 関連情報 2012-04-07: U.S. News: iPhone 5 release date: Apple to face a stronger Samsun... http://t.co/IQzEkA8G#iPhone
- U.S. News: Apple's iPad, iPhone, Stock Soar: Tech Weekly: White noted Apple's continued expansion into h... http://t.co/ghBFHpbU#iPhone
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